Do you want to know how to pray for your future husband? Are you a list person who loves bullet points? Girl, I got you covered :) A while back, I brainstormed a list of 20 different ways I could pray for my future husband. Today, I’m sharing that list with you. Yay! First off, though, If you don’t know why it’s important that you pray for your future husband, I encourage you to read the post 5 Reasons Why You Should… Read more »

Got a big test (or two) coming up? Research paper to write? Homework to complete? Don’t want to study? NO PROBLEM! Today I’m sharing my favorite ways to NOT study. Procrastination 101 here we come! Now, I’m sure you’re more than capable of finding suitable distractions on your own, but here are ten of my favorite ways to procrastinate: 1. Netflix Marathon. Ah yes Netflix. Such a beautiful creation. Have a Netflix account? Sign in and get watching! Don’t have… Read more »

Sometimes it's hard to be grateful. But even when it's hard, we can still give thanks because God is good, and His love endures forever.

Sometimes I don’t feel like being thankful. Sometimes I’d rather sit in a puddle of complaints and worries than list out what I’m grateful for. Sometimes I focus on all that’s going wrong in my life, instead of fixing my eyes on Jesus and all the blessings He has given me. Being thankful is hard!! Can you relate? And it’s not that I don’t want to be thankful– I do– It’s just hard to conscientiously be thankful. Especially when it’s not the fourth… Read more »

Are you wanting to know how to pray for your future husband? Do you want to pray for him, but don’t know where to start? Are you wondering why you should pray for your future husband? These are all great things to be wondering! I believe that praying for our future husbands is super important. I explained why in the post 5 Reasons Why You Should Pray For Your Future Husband. So if you don’t know why you should pray… Read more »

Dear Coffee With Kara, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I can’t believe you’re one! It seems like just yesterday I sat down on my computer, opened my blogger account, and you were born. My, how time flies. And like most new parents, I had no clue what to do with a baby blog in my hands. How do I care for you? How do I help you grow? How do we have fun together? What purpose does God have for your life? The… Read more »

I’m telling you, late night cry sessions with Jesus are now normal in the world of Kara. Sadness is terrible. It’s like a terrible dragon I need to be rescued from by my knight in shining armor (Note: That would be Jesus). I hate sadness. Most everyone does. Tonight Last night on Periscope, Chalene Johnson did a scope about ways to be happy when you’re feeling sad. And one of her tips was to change your focus. And as she was… Read more »

Have you ever wondered if you should pray for your future husband? Why is praying for your future husband all that important? In the movie The War Room, an elderly woman teaches a younger woman how to pray for her husband and for her family. Through her prayers, God turns the young woman’s marriage around. It was an amazing thing to see. When I first saw The War Room, I sat there thinking, ‘I need to start praying for my… Read more »

I grew up singing songs about joy. The classic children’s Sunday School songs: “I’ve got joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart!” “I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul!” “I’ve got joy down in my heart deep deep down in my heart. J-O-Y down in my heart deep deep down in my heart.” Singing about… Read more »