Today Courtney of is sharing her testimony. This is my testimony story. Can I let you in on a little secret, reader? I dreaded writing my story. I have written and rewritten the first paragraph about half a dozen times, deleted it and then rewrote it, took it from a different angle and then deleted it again. I have gone to God, lamented to God and spent time in His word. But this isn’t easy for me and here’s why. A… Read more »

Confession: This past month I have been extremely discontent. And the worst part is, I didn’t even realize I was discontent until I was knee-deep in the quick sand of envy and longing, trapped, unable to move. I felt like I was suffocating. I was unable to let go of my discontentment and move on with my life- to do the things God called me to do. I felt unworthy to encourage others to be content, when I myself was struggling. Finally,… Read more »

The following guest post is by Emma of Creative Explorations. Bringing all my thoughts on this topic into an organized place is no small task. In fact, I feel nearly unequipped to be instructing all of you, when I myself have so much to learn. To be honest, I was flattered when Kara asked me to post for her, but also mildly terrified. Dealing with guys is such a big topic, and there’s so much more to it than I’ll… Read more »

Forgive and comfort.  Quite honestly, I don’t like those two words next to each other. Not at all. In fact, if it were up to me, those words would be as far away from each other as they could possibly get. “Forgive and then ignore,” I like. “Comfort those who are always kind to you,” I like. “Forgive and comfort,” I don’t like. However, we are called to Forgive and comfort those who have hurt us. It’s in the Bible. Say what??… Read more »

The following is a guest post by Katie of Our Seasons of Grace. It’s over. Two little words that changes life in a split second. These words can be in the form of: ‘it’s not you, it’s me’; ‘it’s just not working’; ‘I’ve realized I’m not ready’ and the list goes on. It doesn’t matter what is said, the blow rarely softens the pain. Hearing these words, or being the one to bear the news, doesn’t change the feeling like… Read more »

It seems like just yesterday my childhood best friend and I were dressing up for our pretend weddings. These weddings always took place during her younger siblings’ nap time. We would quietly slip upstairs, and then get ready to say “I do.” We would take turns being the bride and the groom was always my friend’s giant stuffed animal dog who we pretended was the man of our dreams. The other one of us would be the minister, proudly pronouncing… Read more »

Hola, hola mi amigos! I’m so excited to announce that this May Joy Because Grace is having a Missions Emphasis Week (MEW) and you are invited to participate!! May I have more details, please?  Glad you asked ;) What: MEW is going to be a week of missional-themed guest posts. These posts will cover aspects such as one’s personal mission experience(s) (be it in one’s native country or out of country), and why missions are important to the Christian faith. When:… Read more »

The following is a guest post by Victoria of Through*For*By When I was growing up, I expected to have my life come together by the time I was 23. In my mind, this meant that I would be established and would know exactly what I was doing and everything would make sense. I don’t know why I had that age in mind, but I thought and lived as though that was the goal. By the winter of my 20th year,… Read more »

IT’S FINALLY TIME!!! Whoo hoo!! I’ve been wanting to rename CWK for like forever now! And the time has finally come! So I’m happy to introduce y’all to Joy Because Grace. “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith…” -Ephesians 2:8 We have joy, because we have grace. Because Jesus saved us from our sin and ourselves, we have joy. There is joy in our lives because there is grace in our lives. This fact shouldn’t change… Read more »

Modesty. If there was a list of all of the controversial topics within the Christian faith, modesty would definitely be on the list. We know it’s important, but what does it mean? How short should skirts be? Are spaghetti straps sinful? What about makeup- how much is too much? Is braiding hair wrong? All of these questions (and more) have lingered on my mind at one point or another. But here’s the thing: none of these “rules” are important. The… Read more »