Grief consumed me, like a monster gulping down its meal. I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face. It was a few months after my cousin had suddenly died and I didn’t understand why God would let him die- especially with no warning. I felt alone and mournful, and cried out to God, hoping He would hear me. A moment later, my phone buzzed. I wiped my eyes as I looked down at it. I had a text from… Read more »

Eleven year old Anna Cathrine was leaning against the back of the couch, scrolling through Pinterest on her phone. Her younger sister was stretched out over the Twister rug as I spun the spinner for her. “Place a foot on green,” I said, and the small four year old reached for the green circle, and fell to the ground. Anna Cathrine looked up from her phone, and excitedly exclaimed “I’m beautiful!” I grinned. True, but a little random. Where did that… Read more »

Hey y’all! I’m going to my first ever blogging conference in a little less than a month and I am SOOOO excited :) :) :) It’s the Declare Conference which is hosted in Dallas, Texas. And since it’s almost time for the conference, and so the Declare team thought it would be fun for us to do a link up to get to know each other. And seeing as how it’s been a while since I’ve done an “About Me”… Read more »

Today Lo from All That Motivates is talking with us about Godly Friendships. Do your friends share your faith? When I look back at the friends that I’ve had through out my life I can tell you right now not all of them were Christians. Some claimed to be, some wore the title but didn’t live the life, and others were very blatant and bold in their choice to not believe or simply not to care. I would never shut… Read more »

Do you want to be bold for Jesus? I mean audaciously bold for Him- where you have no fear of telling others about Him or even just bringing Him up in a conversation. Yeah, me too. :) Ever since my mission trip to England, I’ve been reading through the book of Acts. One of my favorite stories in Acts is when Peter and John healed the lame beggar (Acts 3). The beggar had been sitting by the temple gate and… Read more »

Today I’m happy to announce that Kathryn of is sharing about faith’s role in the modern dating world. Faith in the modern dating world Dating in the modern world is no easy feat for many of us. I’ve found myself feeling discouraged relationship after relationship and simply wondering why things just didn’t work out. I would occasionally vent to my mom and friends saying things like, “We didn’t communicate well, He wasn’t ambitious enough, He just wasn’t that into me.”… Read more »

I recently took a mission trip to northern England. During the training and all through out the trip there was an emphasis placed on the fact that as Christians our lives are a mission trip. Our leaders wanted us to know that when we got back to the States, our trip wasn’t over. We still are tasked to tell others about Jesus, even in our hometown. As Christians, we are called to live missionally. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in… Read more »

Hey lovelies! :) As we’ve discussed before, praying for our future husbands is so important. I hope you’ve already read the posts on why, how, and what we should pray for our future husbands. {If not you can find their links below.} Well, today I’m so excited to announce a free eGuide I’ve put together for you that will provide you with 5 examples of how to pray scripture over your future husband. You most certainly don’t want to miss… Read more »

It was the first Sunday of my mission trip to England. My team and I gathered in the home of our British leader, James, for a time of fellowship and to cook him a traditional American breakfast for dinner- pancakes and bacon. After we ate, James suggested we pair off and pray for each other as we begin our week of work in the school and church, as well as praying for any spiritual gifts we wanted to receive. Abigail… Read more »

Two handwritten letters changed my life. When I was in 7th grade my best friend (named M) wrote me a letter telling me that she and her family had to move to a different state for her dad’s job. I finished reading the letter and laid on my floor and cried and cried and cried. Summer after freshman year of college, I received a letter from my best friend who I had met at college (named R) saying she wasn’t… Read more »