Dear Coffee With Kara,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I can’t believe you’re one! It seems like just yesterday I sat down on my computer, opened my blogger account, and you were born.

My, how time flies.

Happy Birthday, Coffee With Kara!!

And like most new parents, I had no clue what to do with a baby blog in my hands. How do I care for you? How do I help you grow? How do we have fun together? What purpose does God have for your life? The thought of raising you, dear CWK, was a terrifying and yet exciting thought.

That first post, one year ago today, was a bit wobbly, I admit. I didn’t know how to do anything blogging related. You didn’t have an about page. You had a limited side bar… and that’s about it.

However, I excitedly anticipated learning how to help you grow. I grabbed a notebook and brainstormed blog post ideas- many of which never came into existence- and I couldn’t wait to get writing.

I jumped on Pinterest to search for blogging tips, determined to learn as much as possible. I learned about posting regularly, how to brainstorm ideas, the need for a niche, the importance of community.

As we’re on the topic of community, I must admit I never expected to find such a wonderful community of bloggers. When you were born, I thought blogs were just something someone did on their own, which is true, but I didn’t understand the necessity of community. One year later, and I see that community is key in raising a blog.

A lot has happened in a year. You’ve endured two moves and a name change. Thank you for positively impacting my life. I can’t wait to see how you continue to grow this year. I’m sure we have a bucket load of adventures ahead of us.

Much love,