Grief consumed me, like a monster gulping down its meal. I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face. It was a few months after my cousin had suddenly died and I didn’t understand why God would let him die- especially with no warning. I felt alone and mournful, and cried out to God, hoping He would hear me. A moment later, my phone buzzed. I wiped my eyes as I looked down at it. I had a text from… Read more »

Today Lo from All That Motivates is talking with us about Godly Friendships. Do your friends share your faith? When I look back at the friends that I’ve had through out my life I can tell you right now not all of them were Christians. Some claimed to be, some wore the title but didn’t live the life, and others were very blatant and bold in their choice to not believe or simply not to care. I would never shut… Read more »

Two handwritten letters changed my life. When I was in 7th grade my best friend (named M) wrote me a letter telling me that she and her family had to move to a different state for her dad’s job. I finished reading the letter and laid on my floor and cried and cried and cried. Summer after freshman year of college, I received a letter from my best friend who I had met at college (named R) saying she wasn’t… Read more »

Hello lovelies! I’m so happy to introduce this new series with all of y’all! Myself and several other (completely amazing) bloggers are sharing posts with the goal to help all of us transition from awkward to awesome new adults.  You can find all the links to the posts in this series here. New To Adulthood series | Part 3 We are going on a class field trip, and my English teacher tells us bluntly not to bring any phones, iPods, or other electronic… Read more »

Forgive and comfort.  Quite honestly, I don’t like those two words next to each other. Not at all. In fact, if it were up to me, those words would be as far away from each other as they could possibly get. “Forgive and then ignore,” I like. “Comfort those who are always kind to you,” I like. “Forgive and comfort,” I don’t like. However, we are called to Forgive and comfort those who have hurt us. It’s in the Bible. Say what??… Read more »

The following is a guest post by Desirae of I’m a teacher and a grad student, but six short years ago, I was a freshman in college. Six years go extremely fast, and so did the four that I was in college. Some days I miss college. I “loved” college, but not for the reasons that many do. I loved college because the community that I experienced there was the most unique community that I will probably ever experience…. Read more »

Christmas is quickly approaching! I don’t know about you, but I only have two weeks left until Christmas break. TWO. Those two weeks are full of projects, tests, presentations, stress… and final. The end of a semester can get pretty crazy, and last minute Christmas shopping on top of finals only adds to the crazy. While at college you’re always meeting new people and making new friends. Even if you haven’t known your new friends for very long and thus… Read more »