Dear friend,

It’s been a while since I’ve just sat down and shared what’s been going on in my life with you. So I figured I might as well do that today :)

Let’s see, where shall I start?

My finals were this week! So that’s been on my mind. Thankfully they all went well and I am DONE with them now! *Throws confetti*

My classes this semester were alright. I took…

  • Principles of Literature (which I hated… I had a bad professor)
  • World Civ (which was alright, the professor was awesome, but she only lectured so the class periods were long)
  • Advanced Composition and Stylistics [my Spanish class] (I loved my professor and my fellow Spanish majors/minors who were in the class, but she never graded our essays until the end, so that was frustrating)
  • Students and Learning [my education class] (This one was my all time FAVORITE class. My professor was amazing and encouraging and we had lots of fun.)

So I’m glad all of them are over except for Students and Learning. Students and Learning was the bomb-dot-com.

Life this semester was interesting.

Both of my best friends transfered out of my university (one in the fall and one in the spring) so it was really hard adjusting to life without them everyday.

I lost my nanny job at the beginning of March… and I really miss the boys I used to nanny for. They were like two additional little brothers.

Jesus and I have grown closer than ever before. I’m participating in a multi-generational small group at my church that started at the beginning of 2016 and together we’re reading through the Bible in a year. We’re using The Daily Bible which I love because it has each day’s reading labeled for me so I don’t have to worry about getting lost.

I’m going on my first out-of-the-country mission trip in less than a week! I’m so excited and it’s crazy to think about how the trip got here so fast. I had meetings for it once a week all semester and I absolutely adore my team. I can’t wait to see what all God has for us on our trip. :)
I can’t wait to come back and tell y’all all about it. Until then, however, the location will remain a mystery for safety reasons. Hope you understand :) But please keep my team and I in your prayers for the next few weeks.

Let’s see… what else?

Oh! I’m following Beth Moore on Periscope and absolutely love seeing her scopes every now and then. If you’re not already following her, I highly recommend it :)

And I discovered this semester that I’m a Type One in the Dressing Your Truth system, not a Type Two or Type Four like I had previously thought. {Learn more about DYT here.}


Was Cinco de Mayo and that was awesome because I teach Spanish to kindergarten and first graders on Thurdays so I was excited that I got to teach them about Cinco de Mayo. I had a small group of them be the Mexican army and a big group of them be the French army and they had fun acting out the story.

They also did several coloring sheets- one that said “Cinco de Mayo” on it with a sombrero and maracas, one was a map of Mexico, and one was the Mexican flag.

I love teaching Spanish :)

Then later yesterday evening I got sick. But I don’t really wanna talk about that… {I’m better now.}


I am babysitting a little 3 year old girl right now. It’s her nap-time, so thus I’m writing this letter to you. {Well, it’s supposed to be her nap-time. She keeps waking up and calling, “c’mere!” or “‘cuse me!” which is super cute but also bad because she should be asleep! Oh dear…}

Later today there’s a missions banquet at my church and I’m helping with the childcare for that. Yay for more time with kids. :) The children’s minister just texted me that there will be some youth helping me, which is awesome! :)

I’m also currently so excited that it’s summer! I hope I’ll be able to go to the beach with my family sometime this summer (hint hint, Mom & Dad).

AND I TURN 20 IN 11 DAYS!!!!

WHOO HOO!!!!! That’s really weird to think about! I’ll be on my mission trip on my birthday, which will be weird as it will be my first birthday away from mi familia, but I suppose it will be alright.

One of my best friends turns 20 tomorrow, which is weird. And my future roommate is turning 21 in July which is even weirder.

It’s strange, growing-up. I thought I’d have my life figured out by the time I turned 20, but NOPE. Lol.

The college pastor at my church was helping me with my group of 1st and 2nd graders Wednesday night, and at the beginning I had the kids introduce themselves to him and say their name, age, and favorite color. Then he went and said he was 30. And then I went and said I was 19. And one of the 2nd graders quickly did math and blurted out, “He’s 11 years older than you!”
Which was weird for both of us to think about LOL! *Cry-laughing*

I suppose I should go now…

As this “quick” letter has quickly turned into a novel!

It’s been great catching up with you. :) I hope you have a very blessed Friday and a great weekend!


P.S. I just realized it will be Happy Hour at Sonic when I leave and there’s a Sonic nearby, so guess who’s going to be getting a cherry slushie soon? This girl!! :)