Have you ever felt left out by people you thought were your friends?
Me too.

It was Spring Break 2016, and my family had a bunch of family friends from church over to our house for a great big get-together. After dinner, some of the kids (who were all teenagers lol) wanted to go to a local ice cream shop for dessert.

I heard a few of them mention this idea and then went into planner mode. I scurried around my house, finding all the other kids (who were also teenagers) to explain the ice cream idea to them.

Then those of us kids who could drive started discussing which cars we would take and how much room was in each of them. We all headed out to the front yard, and there we discovered that one of our parent’s cars was blocking us in. So I went back inside to ask that parent if they could please move their car.

I heard my mom and her friends laughing, so I stuck my head into that room to catch the tail-end of their laughter and to tell them we were about to leave. My mom said she’d walk me out and say bye to all of us. We went to the front yard and found that they had already left.

Without me. 

I blinked. No way. They wouldn’t have left without me? Huh? My brother… he was one of the ones going… surely he would have noticed I wasn’t in a car…? I thought I was supposed to drive a group? What? And, and, and the guy I liked, he was here too. And he forgot about me just like the rest of them.

I swallowed. My mind raced with confusion and hurt as my mom huffed with anger behind me. “I can’t believe they left you!” She grunted. She reached into her pockets, “Where’s my phone. I’m calling Kyle.”

“No, Mom,” I whispered, “It’s okay.”

“It’s NOT okay. They need to come back and get you!”

“Mom, they won’t have room in their cars. They must be stuffed all the way in. I was supposed to drive some.”

“You could take your car?” She suggested.

I shook my head and pointed. Someone’s car was still blocking my car in the garage. “I don’t wanna ask and see whose car that is. I don’t want to make a big deal that they all left me.” My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as I uttered those words.

My mom called Kyle anyway. My brother had no idea that I was left behind. He apparently told the guy I liked, who was driving him and three other people, because a minute later I got a call on speakerphone from the guy I liked.

“We could come get you?” He said.

“Caleb, there isn’t any room in your car,” I said softly.

He paused, “We could bring you back ice cream?” he offered.

I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. “Don’t worry about it.”

It was very sweet of him to make the offer, but I didn’t want ice cream. I just wanted to hang out with my friends… although it was occurring to me that maybe they didn’t even want to hang out with me.


I wish I could tell you that I went back into my house and played the games that my parents and my friends’ parents were playing.

But I didn’t. I went into the back of the house and hid in my mom’s closet like I was 11 again and cried my eyes out.

Once I was out of tears, I still didn’t venture from my hiding place. I stayed put and read an eBook on my phone, wishing that everyone would just leave.

My mom came to get me once all of my “friends” got home. But I didn’t come out. I didn’t want to see them and I certainly didn’t want them to see my tear stained cheeks and know how much they had hurt me. I was still upset, sad and mad, and I wanted to stay hidden.

After I had been hiding for two hours total, everyone finally left. Everyone, that is, except for Caleb. He really wanted to see me in order to make sure I was alright. Hesitantly, I ventured from my mom’s closet to go see him before he left. He was very apologetic and said how sorry he was that I had been left. I knew he meant it, but I still felt sad that the whole situation had happened.

I wish I could tell you that after that I went on with my night and went right to sleep since I was exhausted.

But I didn’t. I continued crying after Caleb left because I felt absolutely horrible that all my friends had left me.

Satan started whispering lies in my ear. Telling me that all of my friends didn’t care about me. That since they didn’t miss me when they went to get ice cream, they wouldn’t miss me if I just dropped off the earth. If I died, nobody would care.

Thankfully, my mom came to check on me and found me wailing on the floor of the room, muttering lies about nobody caring about me if I died. She hugged me and proclaimed God’s truth over me. After a while, I finally calmed down and went to sleep.

Moral of the story: Kara did not handle that well.

My friend, if you’ve felt left out by your friends before, believe me when I say I get it.

I know the awful, gut-wrenching feeling that comes with the realization that they forgot about you. The wonderment that plagues your mind as you try to figure out if they accidentally forgot about you, or if they purposefully left you out because they don’t want you there.

Being left out by your friends, or people you thought were your friends, is really, really hard. And I’m so sorry you’re going through it.

From reading the above story, you know that I struggle with handling this well. But, I have learned from that experience and many, many, other similar circumstances and I have some suggestions for you.

What to do when you feel left out by your friends…

Have you ever felt left out by people you thought were your friends? Me too. There are four things we can do afterwards to help us move past this.

1. Pray

In the above story, you see that prayer is missing from the sequence of events after my friends forgot about me. That’s because I didn’t pray. I was too hurt, too mad, too upset to pray. And because I didn’t pray, I ultimately felt worse.

Silly me.

I don’t recommend following my example here. When you feel left out by your friends, pray. Cry out to God. Voice your hurts and frustrations. And find true comfort in Him.

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” -Psalm 55:22 ESV

2. Write it out… and then burn it

It helps me to write things, especially when I’m upset.

So when you’re processing the hurt of being left out by your friends, write out all the hurts, your frustrations, and your pain.

But then don’t keep that piece of paper or that journal entry. Burn it. Otherwise, years down the road after all of this passes, you’ll stumble across that paper and feel hurt all over again.

3. Don’t assign intent

My senior year of high school stunk for me friend-wise, but that’s a whole other long story. One time that spring, I was in the car with my mom and I started telling her about all the ways my friends had hurt me and left me out.

I don’t remember what all I told her, but I remember at one point she looked at me and said, “Kara, don’t assign intent.”


“In your head, don’t assign intent to their actions. Don’t think, ‘They didn’t want to be partners with me for that project because they hate me,’ or ‘They didn’t include me in prom-plans because they don’t like me’. You don’t know why they did those things or what they’re thinking. So don’t assign intent.”

It can be so easy to assign intent to people’s actions when they hurt us!

But the thing is when we assign intent we’re causing ourselves to believe that our friends hurt us on purpose. Sometimes, people hurt us accidentally because they’re sinful humans just like we are.

So don’t give a reason for their action unless they’ve specifically told you, “I did this because…”

4. Forgive them

This one is hard.

Trust me, I know how hard it is to forgive your friends when they deeply hurt you. It can seem impossible.

We often harbor unforgiveness in our hearts because we think unforgiveness in a weapon against those who hurt us. That it’ll keep them from hurting us again and maybe it’ll hurt them back.

Both of these thoughts are lies. The only one who our unforgiveness hurts is ourselves.

Even though it’s hard, we are charged by God to forgive those who hurt us. Even if they’re our friends.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” -Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

It wasn’t easy for Jesus to die on the cross so He could forgive us of our sins against Him. Jesus never said forgiveness was easy. So we can expect it to be hard. But, it’s something we have to do to follow Jesus’ example and to help rid our hearts of the yucky-ness caused by their hurting us.

“If anyone has caused you pain… you should rather turn to forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. So I beg you to affirm your love for him. For this is why I wrote, that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything… so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.”
-2 Corinthians 2:5, 7-9, 11 (ESV)

I wrote a whole post about forgiving and comforting those who hurt us, so if you’d like more on this topic you can check that out. :)

This has turned into a very long post, so I’m going to wrap it up.

In conclusion, feeling left out stinks, but there are four things we can do to help us move forwards.

  1. Pray
  2. Write it out
  3. Don’t assign intent
  4. Forgive

    I want to be your friend! Find me on Instagram @kara_beth17

13 thoughts on “4 Things to do When you Feel Left Out By Your Friends

  1. Courtney

    I just stumbled across this and it sent tears down my face…I’ve been facing some really tough things and my friend well just abandoned me ( from my perspective) and starting hanging out with my sister and well now it feels like I don’t have her bc those 2 are always together and I get left out. I try to fix thing and pray and forgive but the truth is it’s hard so hard bc my ride or die BFF has become best friends with my sister. It’s to the point I can’t even look on fb anymore bc it will change my mood and I’ll be sad so I try to avoid it. I have open a line of communication with my BFF and we are trying but it’s not the same. The comfort level we had is gone bc she’s close to my sister now. I’m not sure all this makes any sense. But your post makes me realize I’m just gonna have to hang in there and just seek after God. But in the in between the waiting is hard.
    Also another crazy thing is I’ve been trying to get pregnant what seems like forever and to just stumble across your page seems like it was meant to be. I will be checking you IG for your tips on fertility

  2. Jen

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I just wanted to let you know that it was a blessing and exactly what I needed to hear.

  3. Cate Slay

    Im feeling sad because I saw pictures from a birthday party where it was all people I have known for years …lots of people, a few of my bridesmaids and I was not invited. It was at one girls house. The problem is I am invited to a baby shower with a lot of those people in a few weeks. Im feeling so sad and down. Im mad too. How to handle myself in a few weeks. Makes me want to not go.

  4. lizzie

    im 10 and my friends left me out on an attempt to be equal to everyone.they left me out and im not sure if i should be friends again because they said that they were not as happy as they were with me.but i dont know why or what to do ive cried so much lately .i need help figuring out what to do.

  5. Skye

    I completely understand how you feel Kara! One time, I had just had a heart to heart talk with a friend about how I felt left out and excluded and like she only care about her other friends. Then 10 minutes after we talked, she went and made plans with 3 of her friends to come over to her house and work on a project we were all working on – and didn’t invite me despite the fact that I was standing right there! I know she didn’t do it on purpose or to be mean, but it still stinks to be left out/ forgotten.

    1. Kara Beth Post author

      Ug that’s awful! I’m sorry that happened to you! I totally understand how hurtful it feels, even if it wasn’t done on purpose :(

  6. Mav

    Thank you for writing this!
    I go through spells of loneliness because all of my friends live 30+ miles away or even states away and some times I see pictures of them with their friends and it gives me a sense of being left out, even though it wasn’t out of spite! Emotions are strange things :)

    1. Kara Beth Post author

      I totally get that. :/ It’s rough.
      When one of my friends moved off to college and I was still in high school, I totally became jealous and felt left out when I saw pics of her and her new college friends- even though I knew it was completely normal and expected for her to make new friends… Heck, I even wanted her to make new friends! LOL I like what you said about emotions being strange things. They really are.

  7. Megan

    The don’t assign intent one is so so important. It’s so easy to let ourselves make up someone else’s mind for them but it is most often not true. I’m such a sensitive person that I probably would have been crying in the closet too Kara. Isn’t it tough that the people we love are the ones that can hurt us the most.

    1. Kara Beth Post author

      We can cry in the closet together!! :D Yay for crying buddies :) :)

      I’m glad I’m not alone in that. Sometimes it’s so amazing to be super sensitive to everything… but other times (maybe most times) it really stinks.

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