Do you remember when you were young and your parents bought a new washer or dryer or refrigerator, and you were so excited? Not because you were old enough to care about the appliances, but because it meant that you would be able to play in the box?Me too. In fact, I still would play in boxes if I could fit. A few summers ago, my friend and I had the bizarre idea to have a box themed Bible study/party for girls. You read that right; box themed. (Sometimes the strange ideas are the best.) So we did.

The day of the party came, we had boxes everywhere!

There was a boxed-food drive. We decorated boxes (our “heart boxes”). And there was a life sized maze made up of entirely boxes (this was my favorite part. *grins*).

The day before the party, two of our incredible guy friends came over to my friend’s house and began constructing the maze. They used boxes (of course), zip-ties, yarn, staples, water bottles, bricks, and so on and so forth. It looked amazing when it was finished. We added a few streamers and a few random pictures throughout the maze, and it was perfect!

Here are some pictures so you can see how amazing it turned out:

Some other pictures from the day…
The Party’s Theme Verse:
Guard your heart above all else, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:22