The following is a guest post by Diane of Happy Wife and Mother

Dear Sisters in Christ,

So pleased and excited to be able to share here today as a guest post contributor for Kara.  My passion is to encourage women in their calling as daughters of the King!  To encourage them to truly embrace sweet womanhood whether single, dating, courting or married.  You see, a woman full of faith, understanding, wisdom and joy in believing is something to behold.

She is rare and precious in His sight.  She will change the world around her by just her countenance.  A joy and peace radiating from her that only comes from true faith within.

It is this faith that I would pray for my daughters and for my sisters in Christ reading along here!  It is this faith that I would pray we strive to attain.  Yet, it is a gift by the grace of God!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.  Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. –Proverbs 31:28-30 KJV

During every season of our lives as women, may we be found in faithful obedience to His purposes each day of our lives.  In singleness when we are able to industriously serve him with our whole heart, let’s be found in our fields of life, as He provides, diligently working.  I’m reminded of this scene:

And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.  And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher .. from Genesis 24:15-16

Rebekah was about her daily business as a daughter of the land.  In faith and peace in believing, the Lord – in His perfect timing – bought her husband to her.

Created to be His

As a mother myself, I would pray that the Lord would keep my daughter from and for the man she is to marry.  From him until His perfect and chosen time and for him so she doesn’t hurry ahead of His choice for her!

So too, in marriage may Christ be our focus and our reason.  May there be mutual commitment and understanding.

Four basic groups of questions we should ask ourselves of our potential husband:

  1. Is he the man I want to spend the rest and each of my days with?
  1. Is he punctual, habitual, late, orderly or disorderly? An indoor or outdoor man?
  1. Does he like my family? Does he treat me as I think a woman ought to be treated?  Does he like the food I cook?  Does he like my friends?  Does he like to entertain or does he prefer quiet days together?  Would I be proud to have him as host at our dinner table?
  1. Do we agree on sex? Our in-laws?  Children and discipline?  Money and finances?  Do you agree on your roles in the home?*

For Mathew and I our mutual commitment to these truths about each other have been key to seeing us through hard days.  Our love changes but our commitment doesn’t.

We like to tell others who ask that our love doesn’t keep us married but our marriage keeps our love.

Finally, as you and I walk one day at a time in this life the Lord has deemed our own, may we consciously mean to walk with, for and only through Christ!

Let’s not forget that.  I am praying for you.  Will you pray for me?  I covet your prayers.

*Adapted from Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliott

Additional Reading

Joyfully At Home by Jasmine Baucham

Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally

Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl

Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliott

DianeTurnerLinkedInDiane and Mathew were married in 1991 and live in Brisbane, Australia. They have homeschooled their three sons and three daughters since 1999.  Diane’s passion is to love the Lord God with all her heart, be a sweet heart and help meet to her husband and raise her family in a nurturing, busy and joyful home.  In quiet moments she enjoys blogging, reading good books and encouraging other young women in their walk with the Lord.

You can find Diane at Happy Wife And Mother and on her Facebook page.