Big. White. Tent.

Middle. Of. Campus.

If that won’t get someone’s attention, I don’t know what will. (Well, maybe an earthquake, or a new Disney movie, but just go with me here.)

But anywho… last week was my university’s REVIVAL!! Revival is an awesome event that takes place in a big white tent, Monday night-Wednesday night. I was totally only planning on going Monday night, as I had other things happening Tuesday and Wednesday… But after the first night I was like, “Yeahhh, I’m gonna have to make time for this.”

And I’m so glad I did!

First off, the music was amazing. The Not-David-Crowder-David-Crowder-Band played for us (also known as The Digital Age), and they, of course, were fantabulous. I loved worshiping Jesus with them. (And getting to take a pic with them afterwards.)

TDA revival

Secondly, the speaker, Eric Bryant was incredible. He’s currently the pastor at Gateway Church in Austin, Tx, and I’m so thankful he could be our revival speaker.

Lastly, I learned so much about God, others, and myself through Eric’s words.

The key verse for Eric’s message was Matthew 22:37-39, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 

Each night, he discussed the three components of these verses. Monday was about loving God, Tuesday was loving people, and Wednesday was loving yourself. Eric also was our chapel speaker last week (awesome!) and in chapel he talked about creating a better future.

As I said, I grew so much this week, and I want to share it with y’all! Here is a recap of each night:


On Monday, Eric shared a story about a mad quest for a Nemo McDonald’s toy.

You see, when Finding Nemo came out, his son was five and his daughter was two. Well, Caleb (his son), really wanted to have the Nemo prize from a McDonald’s Happy Meal. So, the entire family began to search for Nemo.

Unfortunately, all of the McDonald’s in their town were out of Nemos. Whenever they would travel out of town and his kids would see a McDonald’s, they would instantly point and yell, “Nemo! Nemo! NEMO!” and they would pull over and see if that McDonald’s had a Nemo.

None of them did.

Finally, Caleb told Eric, “Daddy, I’m going to pray and ask God to help us find Nemo.”
And he did.

Shortly after that, they were traveling, and they saw a McDonald’s and stopped as was their usually routine. They walked in, and saw the display of all of the Finding Nemo toys… and Nemo was there.

Eric enthusiastically ran up to the counter and asked the cashier if they could buy Nemo. The cashier responded that the display Nemo was the only one left, and they were giving all of the display toys away in a raffle drawing. So, the Bryants scribbled down their info, and left.

On their way home, they saw a McDonald’s, and meandered to a stop. They wandered in, and Eric walked up to the counter and said, “I know it’s a long shot, but do you happen to have any Nemos?”

And the cashier replied, “Yes, actually, a Nemo came in today!”

And so Eric fished out $0.99 and paid for the Nemo toy and gave it to his ecstatic son.

A few weeks later, Eric received a phone call. “Hi, may I speak to Caleb Bryant?”

“Um, well, he’s five.”

“Oh, well, I’m calling from *city name* McDonald’s, and I’m pleased to tell you that Caleb won our Finding Nemo raffle.”

Two Nemos, and the rest of the crew. God answered little Caleb’s prayer.

Eric wrapped up his story by sharing that he believes that God says yes to the small things so we can trust him when he says no to the big things.

Mind. Blown.

And it makes sense! And I’m so glad he said that!

So often I pray for small things, like safe travels or for an event not to get rained out, and God often says yes to those small prayers. Usually I don’t think about God answering those prayers, since they’re so small.

On the flip side, when I pray for a big thing, and he says no, I see his answer, since the result was so huge. And it’s harder to trust.

But when I consider all the small prayers God answers for me all the time, it is easier to trust him through the big no’s.

God says yes to the small things so we can trust him when he says no to the big things. -Eric Bryant


On Tuesday, Eric about hurt, and different walls we put up between ourselves and people, such as hurt, pride, and prejudice. The following are some of the things Eric said that stood out to me.

Wall of hurt:

It’s more important to make things right, than to be right (1 Corinthians 6:7-8).

People sometimes hurt us unintentionally. But we don’t need to let our pain keep us from experiencing other blessings those people can give us.

Sometimes people hurt us because they don’t know how to care. Or because they’ve been hurt themselves. Don’t hold people to their worst moments.

Don’t let the painful moments of the past mess up your present, because it could ruin your future.

Wall of pride:

Break through the wall with humility!

Wall of prejudice:

We miss apart of God when we don’t love people who are different from us.

Stereotypes exist, because friendships don’t. (Amen!)


During chapel, Eric told us three ways to create a better future, based upon the life of Hezekiah (found in 2 Kings 18, 2 Chronicles 29, Isaiah 36).

1) Hezekiah made a covenant with God
2) He redefined success (so that it means making wise choices regardless of circumstances)
3) He removed distractions

Eric also told us several challenges Hezekiah experienced.

In conclusion, Eric said that we don’t have to be tied down to our pasts. We need to trust God, for the best is yet to come.


Wednesday was about loving ourselves.

Eric pointed out how we so often have wrong understandings of ourselves. We think too high of ourselves, or too low of ourselves. Both traps are pride, because either way, we’re still thinking about ourselves.

He talked a lot about family, and how family has power.

Something he said that I want to make note of, is this:
What if God loves your family (or the people around you) so much that he put you in it? 

I think that’s such a great perspective! Instead of wondering why God gave us the family he did, we can focus on making our families better.

I’m so glad Eric Bryant and The Digital Age were able to come to this year’s revival! God used them so much, and they were (and are) such a blessing.

Go check them out!!

Eric Bryant: 
Follow on Twitter: @ericbryant
Follow on Instagram: @ericbryant
Get his book:

The Digital Age:
Follow on Twitter: @The_Digital_Age
Follow on Instagram: @The_Digital_Age