Dear friend, I feel like I’ve been MIA lately. Oops. I probably feel that way because I didn’t post on Monday, like I’ve been trying to do this summer, and because I didn’t send out an email newsletter last week… But it’s summer, and I have a gazillion things floating around in my head, and so I’m trying to give myself grace. What have I been up to this summer? Well, let’s see now… Recuperating from my mission trip to… Read more »

Dear friend, It’s been a while since I’ve just sat down and shared what’s been going on in my life with you. So I figured I might as well do that today :) Let’s see, where shall I start? My finals were this week! So that’s been on my mind. Thankfully they all went well and I am DONE with them now! *Throws confetti* My classes this semester were alright. I took… Principles of Literature (which I hated… I had… Read more »