The following is a guest post by Emily Anne of The Kindred Spirits blog I never dated in high school. And I never dated in college. I had very little desire to pursue dating during those seasons of my life. In fact, I had become quite the relationship cynic. And I’m not just talking about romantic relationships. I’m talking relationships in general. Even friendships. Any sort of connection was scary. I felt I had been burned too many times. While attending… Read more »

Antes de empezar este artículo, quiero decir que este es mi primero artículo que he escrito en Español en este blog. Entonces, por favor perdona algunos errores. :) ¡Gracias!  You can read this post in English here.  Ahora empezamos… Quiero estar valiente. Quiero vivir mi vida con la confianza y la gracia. Pero, muchas veces es muy difícil hacer eso, especialmente cuando estoy estresada o me preocupo. Típicamente tengo miedo porque no sé el futuro y temo que algo horrible… Read more »

Prefer to watch videos instead of reading? View the video version of this post on YouTube: Heart pounding, I was anything but fearless. Taking a deep breath, I stepped off of the white bus with five fellow students. I glanced up at the tall tree with the orange flowers; it looked so different at night. Peering down the street, I took a deep breath. The house I was staying at during my time studying in Costa Rica was only a… Read more »

The disciples chatted as they returned from their journey to buy food from the Samarian city. They reached the outskirts of the city where they had left Jesus. He had been sitting along when they departed, but as they approached they saw he was sitting with a woman. A woman. A Samaritan woman. They stared in wonder. Most of them didn’t like having to deal with the Samaritans as they were buying food. They never would have sought out a… Read more »

Starting college is scary. In fact, starting ANYTHING new can be scary, but I think starting college is exceptionally scary because it’s a new chapter in your life. You’re now an adult, and you’re finally leaving the nest. Scary. And once you arrive at college, there’ll be TONS and TONS of new things to experience. Scary… but also exciting. During my final semester of high school, I began to search Pinterest and YouTube for various tips for college freshman. I learned ways… Read more »