So Valentine’s Day was last month, in case you were unaware ;) And the day before Valentine’s day I spontaneously decided that I wanted to decorate my apartment for Valentine’s and surprise my roommates. So I made a quick Walmart run. And oh my goodness, let me tell you that Walmart on Valentine’s Eve is one of the cheeriest places ever. There were roses lined up and down the isles and red heart shaped balloons in the air. *Sighs.* The… Read more »

There are many myths about being single. Most of them are negative in nature. And if you’ve been single for a while (or for your whole life like me) it can be difficult to catch these lies and replace them with the truth. The enemy wants to discourage us. He wants us to doubt God and His goodness. He wants us to become experts in throwing ourselves pity parties. Because while we’re focused on ourselves and the “horrors” of singleness,… Read more »

Ashamed. She felt ashamed when she ventured to the well in the midday heat. She felt so incredibly ashamed she refused to draw water in the morning or the evening when the weather was cool, because that’s when the other women gathered. She didn’t want to face them. Or anyone, really. She walked down the dusty path, like she did a thousand times. To her surprise, she saw a Jewish man sitting at the well. Jews didn’t normally venture into Samaria…. Read more »

A few weeks ago, a cheerful third grade girl plopped down by me on the pew before church started. I smiled. During the summer, this girl would often ask her parents if she could sit by me during church, and I’d missed visiting with her every Sunday. We chit chatted for a while, and I asked her how school was going and how her Thanksgiving break was. Then the topic of Christmas came up and she said she was really… Read more »

The first graders to whom I’m teaching Spanish finished learning the Spanish alphabet this past Friday!! Whoo hoo! I’m so proud of them. A while back Anna of She Is Joyful wrote a post entitled “The ABCs of Me.” I thought it was such a cute idea. So today, in honor of my awesome first graders, I’m sharing the ABCs of Kara. Here we go… A- Age: 19 B- Best Day Ever: There have been plenty off awesome and memorible days after this, but… Read more »

I am the girl who wears mixed matched socks, all the time. I’m the girl who would rather wear socks than go barefoot- even when she sleeps. I am the girl who grew up on Andy Griffith and I Love Lucy reruns. I am the girl who is a complete cat person. Cats are the best pets ever. I am the girl who grew up playing with miniature American Girl dolls instead of Barbies. I am the girl who, as a child, divided up her… Read more »

The Story of My Not-Purity Ring

No, I’m not engaged. Now that we’ve cleared that up, I want to share the story behind my “purity” ring. Because, it’s not really a purity ring, as in a ring I wear until I’m married to show that I refuse to have sex. Nope. In fact, I plan on wearing this ring even after I get married (and have sex). Instead, my ring is a reminder. …A reminder of what? Glad you asked :) But first, some background info:… Read more »

My thoughts on having a blog.

I have a blog. A beautiful little piece of the internet that I love. A blog which contains the word “coffee” in her title. I don’t even really like coffee. The only types I like is a white chocolate mocha or a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino from Starbucks. I don’t think drinking only two types of coffee classifies as a coffee addict. I honestly prefer hot chocolate. With a pump of peppermint. Yum. But “Hot Chocolate with Kara” doesn’t quite… Read more »

Through out the years, many books have become my dear friends. Three book series in particular have come to me, held my hand, and helped me through an era of my life. They walked with me, encouraged me, taught me truths about life and God. The books made me laugh out loud and thus brightened up my day. Sometimes, they would even make me cry. Even through it all, I loved them very much. So, I would like to take… Read more »

A few years ago, I attended my friend’s graduation. The speaker taught the graduates (and the audience) that there are two contrasting lifestyles mentioned in Philippians. (Ironically, their addresses are Philippians 1:21 and Philippians 2:21.) The lifestyles are polar opposites. You can’t have one and have the other. Lifestyle #1: For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. ~Philippians 1:21 Do you believe that? Is this applied to your life? Is your life focused on Christ in… Read more »