^My life right now. For reals. I know I said at the beginning of this month that I want to be better at blogging consistently. Ha! That was back before I looked at all my syllabuses (Syllabi? What is the plural of syllabus???) for all my classes and realized I have a million and one things to do this month. Well, maybe not quite that many, but I do have several projects/papers in each of my classes due the week… Read more »

Please tell me I’m not the only one with a gazillion things due this month. It seems like I have a project or test or paper or something due every second now. You know that feeling that comes after studying too much? When your brain turns to mush and you can’t hardly think at all? And you try staring 30 ft away to rest your eyes, but it just doesn’t help? This is me right now. Making a massive to-do list… Read more »