Last Sunday I arrived at my church about 5 minutes after the service had started and the praise team was singing “Great are You, Lord.” I smiled to myself. Awe I love this song! We sang it at Declare! I slipped into a pew at the back and began to sing along.

The sermon that day was about how God meets our needs. It was based on Matt. 6:25-34. 

Have you ever sat in a sermon where it feels like the pastor is speaking just to you?

That’s what this sermon felt like.

My pastor was wrapping up the sermon and he said, “God always gives us what we need. If we don’t have something we want, it’s because God knows where we’re at in life and knows that we don’t need that right now.”

My heartbeat sped up. I must not need a relationship right now then, even though I want one so much.

As if he had heard my thoughts, my pastor said, “Maybe for you, it’s a relationship. Maybe God doesn’t want you to have a relationship right now because he’s working in your life. Maturing you spiritually.”

My eyes widened. How spot on was he?!?

I sat there throughout the rest of the service and pondered that thought. Since I’m not in a relationship right now, I must not need a relationship right now.

I’ve thought this thought before. I’ve even preached this thought to myself before LOL! But it felt so different hearing that logic coming from the mouth of my pastor.

I truly believe that God uses the people in our lives to speak to us. And I think that He used my pastor that Sunday to remind me to trust Him and that He knows best.

Since I'm not in a relationship right now, I must not need a relationship right now. | Relationship Quote | Singleness Quote

Four lessons about needs and wants we should know.

During the sermon, my pastor also said that there are four lessons about needs and wants that we should teach our children and relearn ourselves.

1. You don’t need everything you want.

Just because I want a boyfriend right now, doesn’t mean I need one.

2. You don’t want everything you need.

I certainly don’t want this season of singleness, but maybe I need it.

3. God doesn’t give us everything we want.

Honestly, I’m wrestling with this thought. The possibility that I may never have a boyfriend and that I’ll be single forever worries me. I really hope I’ll get married someday!

Related: Does God Want Me Permanently Single by Liv of Single Daughters Serving

4. God always gives us what we need.

This gives me hope and peace. Someday, there might come a time in my life where having a boyfriend (and then a husband) will help me grow closer to God. And if that relationship is something I need, God will give it to me. But if I don’t need it, and it will be a hinderance to my relationship with Him, then I am thankful for my singleness.

I'm learning to trust God in every area of my life and I want to be thankful for singleness. After all, maybe I really do need this season of singleness.

But am I thankful for singleness?

Am I truly grateful that God has provided for me in not giving me a relationship right now?

want to be thankful for singleness. It’s a nice, happy thought. But I’m struggling to make it genuine and not forced.

You see, it’s not even as if I don’t like anyone right now. I do. To make a long story short, I’ve liked this one guy for a looooong time now. And I’m pretty sure he likes me back; he just hasn’t asked me out yet.

So as I wrestle with being contently single, I also have to wrestle with being patient in waiting for my crush to ask me out. Additionally, I have to learn to trust God’s timing and that He is sovereign and will bring a relationship into my life if and when I need it.

God is good.
And He doesn’t make mistakes.

I think this is something I want to definitely work on being thankful for.

I want to be thankful for this season of singleness. To surrender it completely. To trust God and 100% believe that He knows that I don’t need a relationship right now, even though I really want one.

I want to be able to look back on this season with no regrets and to know that I lived my single life to the full. Scratch that- I just want to live my whole life to the full. Completely present in whatever season God puts me in. Reaching out to those around me. Serving Jesus. Encouraging my friends and classmates.

God, may this be so!

If this post encouraged you, then you’ll love my eBook Single Conversations, available now on Amazon Kindle. 

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